Here is the full video from Power of Money by Act Club
Power of Money is the second movie Act Club did for the 48 Hour Film Festival. This movie also won the 48 Hour film Festival Audience Choice Award for Inland Empire! We were given the theme of Fantasy and I am very happy with what we came up with.
Act Club is a great class led by Director Ryan R. Williams and he directed and wrote this movie with his wife Suzanne LaChasse. Also, many thanks to Suzanne’s dad William LaChasse for being a great DP on set.
The movie is about the Power of Money that my boss Bear Bearington, played by Benjamin Voelker, posses. I am security for Bear but unaware of his powers. With simple change he is able to convince other people that it’s a huge amount of money and even being able to make them do what ever he wants – check out the poop scene 🙂
With a visit from some new people (Joe Fidler, Jen Yeager, Suzanne LaChasse, Max Cutler) to the Bear Bearington mansion, they soon find themselves in a predicament as they find a dead girl (Andrea Mai-Tran) in the wine cellar. It was my job to find people to take care of cleaning up the mess, but they sooned were schooled in obedience by my boss as they tried to negotiate a better deal.
- Power of Money 48 Hour Film Festival
- Power of Money 48 Hour Film Festival Guarding The Door.
Eventually my boss ends up reviving his already deceased girlfriend in front of everyone using the ‘Power of Money!’. 🙂
Act Club shot Power of Money from a Friday evening throughout Saturday morning and then Ryan had to spend the rest of the time through Sunday to edit the movie. I think he did an amazing job and I was very happy to work with my crew – Act Club.
Feel free to post any comment you’d like and enjoy! 🙂